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The University of Malaya Medical Centre was officially opened on the 5th August 1968, hence the year 2018 marks its 50th year in operation. The University of Malaya's motto is "Ilmu Punca Kemajuan" (Knowledge is the Key to Success). The UMMC and Faculty of Medicine continues to strive to the best of ability to live up to this ideal by being the centre that ensures delivery of quality medical service whilst upholding innovations, exemplary research and the training of future doctors and specialists. The main objectives of UMMC are health services, learning and research.


The Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), University of Malaya Medical Centre is the main secretariat for the event. The neonatology unit has been in place not long since UMMC's inception, and has therefore witnessed many preemies and families braving through their stay in the NICU. 

The Perinatal Society of Malaysia was formed in 1987 with the common aim of promoting maternal, foetal and neonatal well being. Its objectives are as follows :

  • to promote maternal, fetal and neonatal well-being

  • to advance the theory and practice of Perinatology in Malaysia

  • to encourage training and research in Perinatology in Malaysia

  • to provide expert advice to government and other bodies on matters pertaining to Perinatology

  • to maintain liaison with other organizations or professions involved in Perinatology

  • to maintain a liaison with international bodies in Perinatology

It is responsible for the running of the Malaysian National Neonatal Registry (MNNR) with data sourced from MOH, MOE and few private hospitals. It plays an instrumental role in advising the Ministry of Health of Malaysia regarding issues related to perinatal health. 


Why Do Preterms Need Your Support? 

Babies born too early are also called 'Preterms', `Premature Babies' or `Preemies'. These are babies born before 37 completed weeks where many of their internal organs have yet to mature sufficiently. Preemies are often admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit as soon as they are born. They will initially receive care within the confines of an incubator to help keep them warm, and they may be dependent on respiratory support using a breathing machine called a ventilator. As preemies cannot suck well yet, a feeding tube is used to feed the baby. Many cannot feed well yet as even the intestines are still developing and therefore, they have to receive intravenous nutrition. Some babies may be so sick that serious complications develop as a result of being born too soon. Some of these complications include cerebral palsy, learning problems, visual impairment, hearing problems and failure to thrive. Many babies spend months in the NICU before they can be discharged home. 


Parents are often worried, anxious as the journey in the NICU can be full of challenges - baby can be stable one day and be very ill the next. Most mothers do not get to hold or cradle their babies for many days. Many preterm babies die as a result of being born too soon. Therefore, parents and families need all the support to help them go through the NICU journey, and even beyond that once baby goes home. 


The organising committee will highlight the following causes throughout our campaign. We would like to urge that all employers in Malaysia will ensure that parents of premature infants and of infants who require intensive care as soon as they are born are accorded the necessary assistance and support.


  • Infant-Care Leave: That a specified duration of extended maternity leave (fully paid) is provided by all employers to mothers whose infants require admission to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU).  

  • Critical Baby & Premature Infant Support: That parents whose infants were critically ill at birth are provided the necessary support by employers, e.g. supported leave days, specific carer’s allowance, medication, hospital and specialised equipment payment support. 


You can start by supporting our cause by joining our SuperPreemies' Run and raise awareness by forwarding our webpage and making this part of your CSR. Talk to us today !


#Hugs4Preemies         #IamPreemie         #Fight4preemies


The Organising Committee as the organisers reserve the rights to discuss all planned corporate activities related to the prematurity awareness campaign. We will not be liable for personal accidents, loss or damage to private properties of participants during any of the activities. Participants should make own arrangements with respect to personal insurance.

© 2018 by SuperPreemies Run. Proudly created with

Call us:

+603-79492575 or +603-79493419 (UMMC NICU) - Pn Hasimah


+603 - 8996 4505 (PSM Office)

Email :


Secretariat :


University of Malaya Medical Centre

Lembah Pantai,  59100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 


Unit 2.4 (Suite 3), Level 2 Enterprise 3B, Technology Park Malaysia, Lebuhraya Sungei Besi - Puchong, Bukit Jalil,

57000, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 

Online Registration is now closed !!


Dates  : 14th -16th November 2018

Time    :  8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Venue  : Neonatal ICU (NICU), Level 1,

              Women & Children's Complex,

              University of Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC),

              Lembah Pantai, 59100 Kuala Lumpur.  

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